Certainly not, maximum effort minimum yield. For excellent results you have to use tools with the right characteristics, such as those of our surgical drills.
After years of trials and experience, this is the form we believe is most effective. It leaves more space to evacuate bone frustules and allows for better irrigation of the osteotomy, ensuring smooth and progressive milling.
cutting quality
During osteotomy, the drill should not compress but remove bone tissue.
The quality of the cutting edge of the drills is critical to minimize friction and avoid damaging the tissue.
The cutting quality of our drills is highest, as we sharpen them in profile one by one.
the material
long lasting
it’s a special type of stainless steel that allows to obtain an optimal cutting edge
the treatment
it's a key point
the hardening process we apply allows us to achieve high surface hardness without making the cutter too brittle
the safety
integrated stop
the drill stop gives you the assurance to not make a deeper hole, according to what you planned